Title Sequence

Motion Design Illustration

Client: Edinburgh Napier University (2023)

Mark Haddon’s best-selling novel: “The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time” has been adapted into cinema this year. Its title sequence sets the scene of the film with a murder mystery style animation. The tone of Christopher’s quirky personality has been captured via the use of colour, music choice and foreshadowing imagery.

The Design Process:


While reading the Novel I made notes on potential themes that I could animate.

This led me to create a quirky, murder mystery title sequence. I researched thoroughly into the time era and the sense of place that the novel was set, which was a 1990’s council estate in Swindon, England. I also immersed myself into timeless title sequences like the works of Saul Bass, the Pink Panther title sequence and Monsters Inc for visual inspiration.


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